6:01 p.m. & 2005-01-08

Everyone always thought he was ugly, everyone always thought he was weird and stupid. Nobody thought more of him then as the "school stoner". No one could see past any of that bullshit. Except for me. I gave up so much for him, I tried to survive without him, I even tried to prove to everyone else that he was as perfect as I saw him to be. But now my plan has backfired. I spent so much time talking him up that now everyone is suddenly starting to see how lovely he is. Now suddenly ALL of my friends like him, talk about him all og the time. Who cares that I spent years defending him, loving him, crying over him, bitching people out for talking about him negatively?

You know what really hurts? Its that you barely even know him, you know. You have not even had like one actual conversation with him Natalie. That is what tears at me the most. You create this fantasy that he's so nice and sweet and cute and you love him, but the truth is that is complete bullshit. He is not a horrible person, I'm not saying that, but he isnt a saint. He steals, he vandalizes, he drinks, he smokes, he doesn't give a shit, and has basically no future. Life is one big game to him. And I am aware of all this, I don't deny it and think of him as a lovely, sweet boy. It is just that I fell in love with that, with him. I fell in love with who he was...not who I make him out to be. Not who I created in my head. Unlike you. And now you "love" him too, huh? Well I guess I have fucking accomplished my goal to get others to see why he was so great. Oh and one last thing, I hope you spend the rest of your fucking life with him Natalie. I hope that you're both happy.

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