devoured by shame
2:05 p.m. & 2004-09-07

I feel surrounded by a pressing, damp darkness that envelops my mind & body in a soft, caressing hold & I sigh with relief. Oh, dear sweet oblivion you have found me...

But how wrong I was.

Now I'm choking, I'm choking...and everywhere I look is never-ending black, no hope for release and I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, I can't stop shrieking from this unbearable gloom and terror but the void swallows the sound and my screams die on my bleeding lips as I realize...I am utterly alone and no one will ever hear me or ever help me out of this black hole of despair. I look down and cry at the sight of my hands, for they are burning and glowing into ash, my whole body is burning! Oh god, help me, I AM ON FIRE! IM DYING! IM IN FLAME! Except for my face which is bleeding in pools and soon the crimson spills into my eyes and I am blinded by the flaming, gushing blood that is everywhere. Everywhere.

I open my mouth to form a last attempt at pleas but nothing comes out but a warm river of constant fiery red blood, it splashes over my burning body to the cold darkness and as I stand there burning, weeping, pouring blood I realize eventually there is nothing left...but sleep.

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