Recap ol' gents
6:20 p.m. & 2005-02-14

Sorry I havent been updating, I've been grounded from the computer. I still am grounded actually, but my dads sleeping so I thought I would hop in here to catch up on old times while the dragon slumbers. I get what I can my friends...I get what I can...


1. My best friends dad died last week (not a pretty time for us, my dears, very traumatic and awkward)

2. Students in my school found old torn papers from my agenda in the trash can stating dramatic suicidal quotes, such as, "This is the worst day of my life. Oh wait, everyday is the worst day of my life." And under March goals "to die." So as you can see my school nurse rushed me in and got all paranoid and dramatic on me and called my parents and wouldnt let me even go home alone for fear of my safety and then they took me to the hospital to be diagnosed for clinical depression and get on medication. Eh. Fun times. My question is, who the hell goes looking through a godamn trash can? I think I've been set up damn't.

3. Everything else is still the same. Horrible grades, family fights, me shining puppy dog love eyes to matt and getting a kick to the rump in return, and being restricted from any fun or friends during the weekends.

The good news is I get to go make a complete fool of myself on Monday up at the ol' mountain, snowboarding! Fun times, fun times.

Oh and um happy valentines day?

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